Honneywell ph samplerGTXChem

Portable gas tight Sampler for closed operation with liquid transfer

The HERMetic Sampler GTX Chem is dedicated to applications where closed sampling is required and a sample of approx. 0.5 litre of liquid is needed. The transfer of the liquid from the sampling bottle to a laboratory bottle occurs by overpressuring the upper chamber of the sampler with a pump and using the small spigot at the bottom to fill the laboratory sample bottle.

A closed system exists when a marine tank vessel does not permit direct exposure and/or release of the tank contents into the atmosphere under normal operating conditions.
(API MPMS 17.2 A.4.1)

  • Easy installation on 2" vapour control valves with quick connect coupling
  • The sampling height can be read on the graduated tape
  • After sampling, the liquid can be transferred into a laboratory bottle by actuating the pressure pump and then opening the transfer valve.
  • The sampler is delivered with a zone sampling bottle if not otherwise specified. Additional spot, bottom or running sampling bottles are available
  • Its very light construction facilitates its transport and handling
  • Very easy to clean
  • Low investment cost
  • Fully compatible with non corrosive and corrosive liquids
  • Special design for use on 2" HERMetic Compact Valves exclusively

Technical specifications

Principle of installation

A sampler dedicated to your application:

HERMetic Sampler GTX Chem With special FFKM gaskets, recommended for operations in corrosive liquids
Materials : Stainless Steel AISI 316, PTFE, PVDF, FFKM

Operation Manual HERMetic Sampler GTX Chem